E30070-A Bennett anode hi-voltage transformer tank. 30 day warranty (Repair basis only, non-stock)
E30070-C Bennett cathode hi-voltage transformer tank. 30 day warranty (Repair basis only, non-stock)
E30052-A Bennett anode hi-voltage transformer tank. 30 day warranty (Repair basis only, non-stock)
E30052-C Bennett cathode hi-voltage transformer tank. 30 day warranty (Repair basis only, non-stock)
You can send us, 40 and 68 series tanks for repair. Typical turn around time is 2-3 days. To send 40 or 68 series tanks for repair, click here

Bennet/Trex/HCMI Parts - Tanks
Have tanks you're not sure about? We'll inspect and test any series tank for $300.00, plus shipping
Before replacing a tank, we recommend reading the advanced troubleshooting for kV errors. Click Here
To send 52 and 70 series tanks for repair, click here
The tanks listed below are repaired or refurbished tanks, fully tested
To order a tank for exchange, click on a link below
We also have new equivlant tanks available for the 68 series. Please contact us for details.
52 and 70 series tanks are non-stock items. They can be sent to us for repair. Typical turn-around time is 2-3 days.
Please contact us for outright purchase of tanks without exchange.