HCMI Auto-Tech Techniques
(for human anatomy) in pdf.
$35.00 charge to download, Click the buy now button for purchase and download.
HCMI Radiographic Positioning Guide
(for human anatomy) in pdf
$35.00 charge to download. Click the Buy Now button for download.
These files are in pdf format. Clicking on a underlined link will open the file in a new window you can view, save or print.
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HCMI Veterinary Techniques in pdf.
$35.00 charge to download. Click the buy now button for purchase and download.
HCMI Health Care Equipment Manufacturing
HF300/HF600 & 3SE/3SEE (stored energy) Service Manual in pdf format.
There is a $50 charge to download this manual. Click on the "buy now" button. After checkout click on the link on the Paypal page where it says "click here to return to xraypartsdepot". Clicking on that link will take you to the download page for this manual.
This manual has new updated information concerning accessing the configuration mode, address the +15.0 vdc conflict which can cause IGBT failure, etc.

The pdf files below are no charge downloads
Left click on the blue underlined link to open the file as a new page or you can do a right mouse click and do a "save target as" to save the file